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Nurturing Comfort: Why a Natural Sheepskin Cot Underlay Is the Best Choice for Your Baby

Bed Underlay Ozwool Sheepskin Cot Liner Infantcare Lambskin Sheepskin Australia

1. Supreme Comfort and Softness

The gentle, cloud-like softness of a natural sheepskin cot underlay is second to none. It offers a plush and cosy surface that your baby will find incredibly inviting. As they nestle into this soft bedding, they’ll experience a sense of security and comfort that is unparalleled. Natural sheepskin closely replicates the gentle embrace of a mother’s womb. Cradling your baby on a supportive underlay is vital for their well-being.

2. Temperature Regulation

Natural Sheepskin is a marvel of nature when it comes to temperature regulation. It acts as a natural thermostat, keeping your baby comfortably warm during colder months while preventing overheating in the summer. This self-regulating quality is a godsend for parents who worry about ensuring the perfect sleeping environment for their little ones. Keeping your baby’s temperature at an optimal level can reduce the risk of night-time discomfort or sleep disturbances.

Sheepskin Bed Underlay. Medical bed underlay from Sheepskin - Cot Underlay

3. Breathability and Moisture Absorption

Sheepskin is remarkably breathable and has an innate ability to wick moisture away. Which means it provides a dry and well-ventilated surface for your baby. Babies can be prone to sweat, particularly in warmer weather, and the moisture-wicking properties of sheepskin help keep them dry and comfortable. A lambswool underlay cot minimises skin irritations and ensures that your baby’s sleep is peaceful and uninterrupted.

4. Hypoallergenic and Safe

Natural sheepskin is inherently hypoallergenic, making it the ideal choice for babies with sensitive skin or allergies. It resists the growth of dust mites and bacteria, safeguarding your baby against potential irritants. This quality ensures your baby sleeps on a clean and hygienic surface, promoting their well-being.

5. A Cot Underlay Promotes Sleep Quality

The incredible comfort offered by a sheepskin cot underlay contributes to better sleep quality for your baby. Creating a snug and comfortable sleeping environment encourages longer and more restful sleep. This extended and restorative sleep is vital for your baby’s growth and development, allowing their body and mind to recharge and thrive.

6. Supports Physical Development

Sheepskin’s soft and supportive surface plays a role in supporting your baby’s physical development. It helps distribute pressure evenly, which can aid in preventing flat head syndrome (plagiocephaly). Furthermore, its gentle support aids in healthy spine alignment, which is crucial for growing bodies. As your baby rests on a sheepskin cot underlay, their motor skills can develop more effectively.

7. Durable and Easy to Clean

Natural sheepskin is known for its exceptional durability. It can withstand the rigours of daily use, even with frequent washes. When it comes to cleaning, it’s a breeze –shake off any debris and, if necessary, hand wash in lukewarm water with mild soap. This easy maintenance is a significant advantage for busy parents who want a practical yet luxurious option for their baby’s bedding.

8. A Sustainable Choice

Choosing a natural sheepskin cot underlay is an intelligent choice for your baby and a responsible one for the environment. Sheep are a sustainable source of wool, as they regrow a new fleece each year. This eco-friendly option aligns with your desire to provide the best for your baby while making environmentally conscious choices.

In conclusion, a natural sheepskin cot underlay is a remarkable bedding choice that encompasses many benefits for your baby. From unparalleled comfort to temperature regulation, support for development, and ease of maintenance, it ensures that your baby’s sleep is nurturing and restful. The hypoallergenic and eco-friendly nature of sheepskin adds to the appeal of this bedding option, providing both you and your baby with peace of mind. Embrace the luxurious softness and functionality of a natural sheepskin cot underlay, and give your baby the gift of unparalleled comfort and well-being.

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Sheepskin Cot Liner #1

Bed Underlay Ozwool Sheepskin Cot Liner Infantcare Lambskin Sheepskin Australia

How to Care For a Sheepskin Cot Liner

There are many benefits to a sheepskin cot liner for your baby. These include super-softness, hypoallergenic nature, ease of cleaning and protection against mould. However, before buying one for your baby, consider a few tips to keep it in good condition. In addition to that, here are some tips to keep the liner clean. Read on to learn more. After all, your baby’s health is your top priority.

Super-soft sheepskin cot underlay

One of the best ways to pamper your newborn baby is by buying a super-soft sheepskin cot liner. Sheepskin looks adorable and provides a warm, cozy place to sleep. The wool fibres are naturally breathable, so your baby will be comfortable even during the hottest day. And since it’s so soft, you can take it anywhere!

Babies make a mess, so you must prepare for spillages. Sheepskin liners are susceptible to spills, so taking immediate action is essential after your little one has a spill. The best way to respond to spills is to blot the liquid with a clean cloth and then shake the liquid outside. Avoid pouring liquids directly on the stain, as this may spread the stain.

A sheepskin cot underlay is Hypoallergenic

When choosing a cot liner for your child, you should opt for hypoallergenic sheepskin if possible. Sheepskin is known to be hypoallergenic, and the natural fibre is incredibly soft and safe for a baby’s delicate skin. In addition to being hypoallergenic, sheepskin also helps regulate body temperature. Because of its antimicrobial properties, it helps prevent asthma and allergies and is incredibly breathable.

Wool is known to trap allergens, so it’s essential to choose a sheepskin cot liner that is hypoallergenic. Wool is also a natural thermo-regulator, so it keeps your baby warm during the winter and cools during the summer. Wool is naturally hypoallergenic, but it can trap dust and other allergens, so you’ll want to avoid placing an order on the weekend. If you need to return the product, use a carpet stain remover to clean it.

Easy to clean

Keeping your sheepskin cot liner clean is simple, but knowing how to get the most out of it is essential. There are several ways to clean the liner. For minor stains, blot with a clean cloth. To remove more significant stains, use a half-litre of warm water and a solution of wool detergent. Repeat this procedure as necessary until you’ve removed all stains.

First, shake the sheepskin often. This should be done several times a week, but you can shake it up more often if you use it daily. Shaking will keep the sheepskin soft and remove dirt. This will keep the liner free from odour. Shake the sheepskin every day, but not too much. This process will keep the sheepskin smelling fresh, too.

Protects from mould

Sheepskin rugs are an inexpensive way to protect your baby from mould. They feature several layers of protection. The first layer of organic wool provides a barrier against the elements, while organic latex is naturally mould-resistant. Using a pocketed spring system will also keep moisture out of the mattress, reducing the risk of mould growth. Lastly, Happy mattresses are free of glue or other chemicals, making them a good choice for babies with sensitive skin.

Sheepskin Bed Underlay. Medical bed underlay from Sheepskin - Cot Underlay
Sheepskin Cot Underlay with quilted backing from OZwool Sheepskin Australia

Easy to fluff

A sheepskin cot liner can look gorgeous for a long time. But to keep its appearance, you must clean it periodically. The wool will need to be fluffed up from time to time, and this can be done with a special brush, which many retailers include free with your purchase. Shaking will fluff up the wool and remove dust. Holding one side firmly, shake the liner while turning it to fluff it up.

You can find positive and negative reviews on consumer forums and user blogs. Online retailers often offer discounts, sales, and other incentives you won’t find anywhere else. The downside to buying online is that you don’t get to try the product physically, but many online retailers offer warranty facilities and easy replacement.

An alternative to a Sheepskin Cot Liner is a baby sheepskin in its natural shape. This is cheaper but does not cover the whole area of the cot. The sheepskin that we use to make the underlays from is specially chosen fine wool lambskins.

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Infant Sheepskins Options for my Baby and Toddler

auskin maize infant care lambskin

Our OZwool Infant Sheepskin Range of Infant sheepskins and sheepskin products for Babies is perfect for your baby or Toddler. The infant sheepskins for babies are eco-tanned and sanitized (tm) for your protection. These have many uses in your daily routine. You can use our Australian Natural shape Infant care sheepskin or baby sheepskin in the car seat, the stroller, a play mat or Floor mat, a cot underlay or just as a lambie comforter. Your baby will love rolling around or playing on natural shape hides.

Infant sheepskins continue to be used even when your baby grows into toddler years. Young children love sheepskins rugs in their big bed under their sheets.

Natural Sheepskins are perfect all year round.

Can babies sleep on sheepskin?  Yes, they can. Sheepskin rugs for babies keep the baby warm and comfortable in cold weather. In hot weather, the natural fibres of the wool absorb moisture, which is released into the air, ensuring the baby stays drier and more comfortable.

Sheepskin Storage

It would be best if you always stored your Lambskin & Sheepskin in a cool, airy place away from direct sunlight. Guard against condensation. DO NOT pack in plastic bags for long periods. Lambswool & sheepskin is a genuine natural wool and leather product and needs to be cared for the same way we care for leather products.

Sheepskin Washing

Yes, you can easily wash our Lambswool or Sheepskin products.  Hand or machine wash as needed, ideally using Woolskin Lambskin Shampoo & Woolwash with conditioner. Do not use a commercial wool wash or detergent, which can damage your sheepskin hide. Spot cleaning is best.

Options for Infant Care Sheepskin Underlays

Sheepskins underlays are used as an interface between the bed’s surface and the infant and are a rectangle shape covering the full cot mattress.

Because of their incredible softness and natural feel on the skin, they are ideal for infant and baby use as it helps them have a great playtime and relaxing sleep.

Here are your options for sheepskins and underlays: 

The best sheepskin for baby is an organic sheepskin for baby that will stay with them till later years.

Baby Care Sheepskin LARGE.

At OZwool, we do not sell the smaller sheepskins that others do, as they have limited use. Our smallest is the Large Infant care Sheepskin.

This sheepskin is a natural baby care Sheepskin that is sanitized. Natural Sheepskin will provide a familiar comfort as its soft wool fibres contain a substance called lanolin, similar to that found on human skin. It will also offer your baby warm during winter days and cool during summer.  And because it is sanitized, it makes sure that your baby’s skin is protected and that no chemicals and dirt are on it that can cause your baby skin irritation.

Suitable for nursery bedding in the baby cot or bassinet or a play mat, pram liner, or floor mat.

Lambskin Cot underlay. 

This lambskin cot underlay is made from multiple hides cut and joined together with a quilted backing over the joins. It is the most absorbent natural fibre in everyday use because it is genuine sheepskin. It can contain up to 30% moisture before feeling wet, reducing the moisture and keeping the baby dry in the warmest weather.

Suitable for nursery bedding in the baby cot or bassinet or a play mat, pram liner, or floor mat.

Beware of Lambswool Cot underlays – they are not the same and do not offer the same benefits and features. They are not made from sheepskin.

Sheepskin Floor Mat Underlay.

This sheepskin mat underlay is manufactured from genuine sheepskin sewn into a rectangle. A Floor mat will provide double comfort- an excellent play mat or bed underlay for your baby. It will keep him warm and dry when playing, and it will help him sleep very well when sleeping.

Suitable for floor mat, bed underlay, and bed cover.

Lambskin Rectangle Sheepskin Mat.

This sheepskin mat is also made of lambskin. Its Wool fibres can absorb up to 33% of their weight in moisture, keeping the baby dry in the warmest weather.

Genuine Sheepskin Baby Care.

This baby care product is a superb play mat for your baby to play and rest on. It’s soft, giving your baby his needed warmth and comfort while not holding him.

 In summary, here are a few other benefits of using these sheepskin and lambswool products: 

  • Since they’re gentle on your baby’s skin, they can help heal sensitive or inflamed skin or rashes.
  • They are always dirt and bacteria-resistant.
  • Natural sheepskin is still rich in lanolin.
  • You can easily hang them in the fresh air for self-cleaning.
  • They are fire-resistant. Sheepskin is most likely to smoulder and extinguishes itself when subjected to flames.
  • They last longer. You can bend the Natural Sheepskin wool fibres 20,000 times without breaking; this ensures that a sheepskin product lasts longer.

Lambswool Stroller Liners

Natural Australian Lambskin Stroller Liners For Strollers and Baby Joggers come in various colours.

Proven and tested by thousands of babies worldwide, The Natural Australian Lambskin Stroller Liner provides a natural, warm and safe environment for infants and young children.

The natural insulation of lamb’s wool helps the baby stay warm in winter and cool in summer. Wool fibres have the unique ability to absorb up to 33% of their weight in moisture, keeping babies dry in the warmest of weather

General Product Dimensions: 74 x 28cm
Wool Pile height: 25mm
Quilted Back and Strap Slots included. They suit 3, 5 and 7-point harnesses

Infant Care Pramliners

Australian Lambskin Pram liners. Our New range of Infant care pure sheepskin Pramliners has been released. These come in many colours and with various patterns.

The best item you can get for your new child or Grandchild is a colourful sheepskin pram liner, available in plain or with a colourful motif as part of the sheepskin in the liner.

There are the famous lambskin stroller liners for those who have outgrown the pram. Our universal stroller liners will fit all prams and strollers and keep the baby cosy and comfortable. As a gift, you can never go wrong with a sheepskin pram liner or an infant care sheepskin rug.

General Product Dimensions: 70 x 28cm
Wool Pile height: 25mm
Quilted Back and Strap Slots included. They suit 3, 5 and 7-point harnesses